Collaborations with John McGeoch – Arts in Motion
A short while back (in the days before Covid), I had the great fortune of meeting another creative soul… John McGeoch of Arts in Motion.
John, a video projection artist based in the Highlands of Scotland popped in to my studio (on the opposite side of the world in Crossover Australia) and invited me to collaborate on a project… which became two.
The base concept sparked when John viewed a painting Interwoven Systems 2017 (Image below). The layering of paint and silhouettes (bush rats and fish) caught his own creative eye! See the video above titled INTERWOVEN.
One idea lead to another, more images were taken, filming of the abstract mark making in action, and images from another piece were incorporated and digitally layered as conversations took place in Messenger.
Numerous ideas were spoken about during this creative period which inspired John to work on the second video UNIVERSE.
It has been a great pleasure from my perspective, an exciting collaboration where elements of the work have been brought to life on screen – arts in motion!
The videos can be viewed above, on my YouTube channel, or look up John McGeoch ‘Arts in Motion’ on Vimeo to enjoy many more of John’s wondrous creations and creative collaborations…